Thieves poisoning dogs to steal from residents

19 Jul, 2024 - 00:07 0 Views

Suburban Reporter

A GANG of suspected thieves is on the rampage in the northern suburbs where they are poisoning residents’ dogs before stealing valuables such as electric gate motors.

Over the past few weeks, security alerts have been shared in several residents’ WhatsApp groups warning residents to look out for their dogs as there have been a number of incidents in which dogs have been poisoned by suspected thieves.

“Good morning, thieves alert. In Manresa Estate,  thieves have poisoned a couple of a resident’s dogs and killed them. They also stole their electric  gate motor. It’s so sad,” reads one of the security alerts sent out to residents.

Residents were told that gate motor thieves always poison dogs as they go and it is their mode of operation. According to the security alerts, the thieves can be camped in an area for a whole week and even carry out mop up operations to hit whatever residences they might have missed.

Suggestions were made for residents to keep their dogs inside at night especially in this cold season.

Mandara residents reported that thieves recently attempted to steal gate motors along Babbacombe Road in the suburb.

Other suburbs were lots of reports of dog poisonings have been made are:

Mount Pleasant


Bluff Hill



“Many dog deaths, unfortunately, and just to get to the gate motors.  There have been instances of daytime poisoning as well.

‘‘Keep your dogs inside at night. Dogs are not your first line of defence. They are your warning system. Ensure you or your gardener/domestic staff look around the yard first thing in the morning for lumps of meat, sadza, any food that poison can be hidden in,” reads another security alert.

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