Outrage over warehouse built on top of sewer system

09 Aug, 2024 - 00:08 0 Views
Outrage over warehouse built on top of sewer system The fenced off area where the warehouse will be built.

Ivan Zhakata Suburban Reporter

THERE is outrage among residents of Mt Pleasant, Northwood and Vainona over a Chinese company that is reportedly planning to build a warehouse on top of a sewer system that is passing through a wetland.

The land which is situated along Lanner Avenue in Vainona has since been fenced off and bulldozed and sewage is leaking all over the wetland.

A concerned resident Ms Debbie Swales, who has been active in carrying out road repairs, road markings and signs among other community projects in the area together with her partner Mr Andrew Brown, has since written to the residents of Mt Pleasant, Northwood and Vainona urging them to sign a petition against the development.

Ms Swales said working together with her partner they have been active in repairing potholes, painting humps, intersections, putting up road signs, repairing and maintaining roundabouts and restoring the pedestrian pathway along Bargate. She said they have also been active in clean ups and opening blocked drains and recently, they patched potholes with gravel on Lanner Avenue and the team of volunteers widened the road hence the need to protect the wetland.

“We deal with the City of Harare on a regular basis regarding all sorts of issues, and we have good communications with them,” Ms Swales said.

“Recently, the wetlands have been invaded on Lanner Avenue and Bargate/Mt Pleasant golf courses among other places. In two other areas, City of Harare and Environmental Management Agency have managed to halt the progress of those developments as the invaders have not been able to provide any title deeds.

“Now, the huge concern is the Chinese man on Lanner (the same man who is also on Bargate) apparently has title deeds for both plots, but how can this be when the land is a wetland?  He is about to construct a warehouse on top of the sewer systems, which, since the land has been fenced off and bulldozed, the sewerage is leaking all over the wetland.”

Ms Swales said it was of great concern, and if the development is not stopped then the entire wetland from Teviotdale to Harare Drive will be destroyed.

“Sadly, it is too late for some of the wetlands between Borrowdale Road (Liberation Legacy Way) and Teviotdale, but with more awareness and understanding of laws and human rights, we can now act upon these illegal activities,” she said.

Ms Swales has also since compiled a letter with the help of the Harare Wetlands Trust, which is addressed to the council’s Director of Works.

In the letter, dated July 31, 2024 the Harare Wetlands Trust is requesting for the site plan and development permit for developments on the wetland.

“We are writing to you as Harare Wetlands Trust, a locally registered umbrella trust incorporating Civil Society Organisations, Community Based Organisations and individuals concerned with the preservation of Harare’s wetland ecosystems to ensure sustainable provisioning of water for greater Harare,” reads the letter.

“It has come to our attention that developments have commenced on the wetlands at the corner of Lanner Avenue/Teviotdale Road and residents of this area have approached us regarding this issue as they are very concerned for our suburb’s and the city’s water supply and the pollution caused by construction of warehouses and damage to Government property, being the sewerage system which is now leaking profusely into the Gwebi River headwaters.

“A further development is taking place at the end of the golf course at Mt Pleasant Sports Club between Bargate and Harare Drive where lawn is currently being planted but this may lead to further developments as time goes on. Both these developments are purported to be by the same person.”

HWT has also demanded for site plans and development permits for developments on wetlands at corner Lanner Avenue and Teviotdale Roads in Vainona and corner Bargate Road and Harare Drive, at the end of Mt Pleasant Sports Club Golf Course.

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