‘No December salaries for Harare workers’

20 Dec, 2024 - 00:12 0 Views
‘No December salaries for Harare workers’ Harare councillors questioned why council workers have not been paid for three months at the full council meeting.

Blessings Chidakwa Suburban Reporter

Harare City Council workers are facing a bleak festive season, amid indications that the cash-strapped council may not have money to pay December salaries, potentially delaying payment until next year.

This came out at the city’s last full council meeting on Wednesday, with Councillor Kudzai Kadzombe highlighting that some workers have gone for three months without pay.

“Most workers are struggling. I am now giving handouts to some workers from my ward.

“I am reliably informed that they last received salaries in October,” said Cllr Kadzombe.

She added that council should address this issue so that workers can celebrate the festive season like everyone else.

Harare City’s acting human capital director, Mr Bosman Matengarufu, acknowledged the challenges, explaining that while the council has settled some outstanding bills, it is presently facing low financial inflows, impacting December salary payments.

“We have been behind in terms of salaries but we tried to improve,” he said, adding that December salaries would be paid at the beginning of January.

But in an attempt to douse the workers’ concerns, Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume intervened, assuring them that salaries would be paid before the Christmas holiday.

He said payments would be staggered, starting with lower grades, based on cash flows.

“The dates are not targets for payment but the latest when salaries should be paid,” he clarified.

Ironically, in his opening remarks, Cllr Mafume praised the workers for not resorting to strikes or slowdowns, interpreting this as a sign that their welfare had improved.

However, human resources chairperson Councillor George Mujajati expressed surprise at the non-payment of salaries, noting that the last meeting with workers’ unions had been positive.

Chairperson of the finance and development committee, Councillor Costa Mande, dismissed the idea of borrowing to pay salaries, calling it illegal.

At the meeting, Cllr Mafume also announced a reshuffle of committees, which will take effect next year.

The meeting was not without controversy, with Councillors Adonia Shoko and Cecillia Chimbiri clashing over who would lead the closing prayer.

Cllr Chimbiri left in anger after being labelled “unfit” to pray, and ultimately, Cllr Shoko delivered a light-hearted prayer.

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