A special council meeting held on Tuesday this week resolved to have joint committees to deal into detail with the water situation in Harare.
Diana Nherera Suburban Reporter
Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume told the special council that it was earlier resolved that the water and refuse committees meet once a week.
He also requested for an update from the finance director on payments for water treatment chemicals.
“There was an amount that we were promised which was being processed on Friday for our chemicals which was about $800 000 to $1,5 million.
“So the paperwork was being done on Friday.
“I just wanted to get an update so that we know how far that process has gone,” said Cllr Mafume.
He said there is a need to follow up on the water treatment chemicals.
“I had assured the water department that it will be paid.
“As you know Prince Edward Dam will not be operating by the end of this month.
“We need more water from Lake Manyame,” said Councillor Mafume.
Giving an update on the water situation, distribution manager Engineer Tapiwa Kunyadini said the water supply situation is stable but they have water supply for four days.
“We have paid but they have a challenge to get forex,” he said.
Despite Eng Kunyadini’s assertion most suburbs in Harare particularly in the northern part do not have water, according to reports from residents.
Cllr Mafume urged the water department to alert him on urgent matters earlier in order for him to advise Government.
“Give me details of that problem so that I communicate with the Ministry.
“We also have a water task force dealing with issues concerning water so we need to alert them so that we deal with the chlorine situation.
“Let’s communicate that issue of chlorine and other issues that you have and I will come up with a sustainable solution for chemicals,” he said.
Councillors demanded to know progress on buying trailers for refuse collection tractors.
The councillors suggested that the 25 percent ward retention should be used to buy the trailers.
City of Harare principal monitoring and evaluation manager in the office of the town clerk, Dr Amos Muguti told the meeting about that nothing has been done in terms of the repairs needed at Town House.
Outstanding works include renovating the water fountain, public lighting, painting and granite polishing.
“This was supposed to be done by 28 of July.
“We are going to do public lighting internally at a cost of labour $30 000 and progress is currently at zero percent.
“We want to outsource painting and granite polishing.
“The tender process is still pending but authority from PRAZ was granted,” he said.
Cllr Mafume asked if council does not have painters inquiring why the city has to go to tender over the painting of Town House when council has painters.
Dr Muguti said the challenge was scaffolds.
Dr Muguti said the city also wants to renovate toilets and bathrooms, council chambers and the reception at Town House.
Cllr Mafume urged the task force to liaise with council officials and buy the needed materials.
“We have got enough manpower,” he said.