BRRA embarks on membership drive to boost numbers

02 Aug, 2024 - 00:08 0 Views
BRRA embarks on membership drive to boost numbers The Ward 18 Golf Day will be held at Borrowdale Brooke Golf Club.

Suburban Reporter

Harare’s foremost residents’ association, the Borrowdale Residents and Ratepayers Association (BRRA), has embarked on yet another membership drive to boost its rank and file through getting more homeowners and tenants to join the organisation.

In a flyer shared on residents’ social media platforms, BRRA is appealing to residents and ratepayers in suburbs under Ward 18 to join the residents body to add more voices and weight to efforts to lobby for improved service delivery and standard of living within communities in the ward.

Ward 18 includes Borrowdale, Borrowdale Brooke, Greystone Park, Helensvale, Philadelphia, Quinnington, Hogerty Hill, Carrick Creagh, Crowhill, Umwinsidale, Glen Lorne and surrounding suburbs.

“We need your support to uplift our ward regarding service delivery, health, roads, street lights, water, recreation, sanitation, vendors, bill boards., security, CCTV surveillance, electricity, telecoms, wetlands, market infrastructure, development etc. Together we can,” the BRRA said in its message inviting more residents to join the organisation. In the same message, the BRRA also shared its vision with prospective members and chronicled the number of projects and service delivery interventions the organisation has been undertaking in pursuit of its mission.

“Our vision (is) to transform our ward into one that we can all be proud of, well structured and coordinated, providing efficient services to all residents. (Our vision is) to enhance and protect the value of our property and to seek cooperation from the local authority to ensure developments are in keeping with our vision,” the BBRA said.

The residents’ body said as part of its mission it believes working in unity, residents of Ward 18 will grow exponentially and be an example to other wards.

“We are proud of our community and will do everything to protect it.

“We aim to improve the quality of life and services for residents. Our mission is to encourage residents and businesses to contribute to local initiatives and projects,” the BRRA said.

The body listed the following as its services to residents and ratepayers:

  • Leading the way from the front Borrowdale Residents and Ratepayers Association is here to improve service delivery on all fronts, keep you informed and identify initiatives that provide long term benefits
  • We intend to have a billing software that makes it easy to help you to help support us! Together we can succeed, and turn our ward around for the better
  • Our WhatsApp group for paid up members, allows you to air your views
  • Our dedicated committee, consisting of homeowners who care about what happens to their investments, push for what we all want and need in order to promote and protect the interests of our community

The BRRA also provided reasons why residents should join the body:

  • Be involved in taking our ward forward together through collaboration and action
  • We are a knowledgeable, united and a proactive association representing Ward 18
  • Enable us to efficiently and effectively serve our community

The residents organisation said those willing to join can pay a minimum annual subscription of US$20 (homeowners and tenants) through NMB Bank BRRA Nostro Account Number 260273698, Ecocash Merchant Number: 44406, cash drop off at Billy Meats Pomona or Total Energies Helensvale Office in an envelope for attention BRRA. Prospective members were advised to email their proof of payment with their names, phone numbers, physical address and email address on [email protected]

In a related matter, the BBRA will host a Ward 18 Golf Day on Saturday August 3, 2024 at the Borrowdale Brooke Golf Club. The fundraising golf day is meant to raise money for community projects within Ward 18 which include the Borrowdale Clinic, Waste Centre and the Helensvale Market.

Hole sponsorship is as follows, premium US$200, Standard US$100.

For the Better Ball Stableford Blind Alliance entry 4 ball is US$200, US$50 per player.

The platinum sponsor for the Golf Day is leading infrastructure development company Masimba Holdings Limited. For registration interested participants can email [email protected] and cc [email protected], WhatsApp 0712867127. The convener is Herbert Mashanyare 0772400431.

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