
BRRA, council partner to clean up Borrowdale

BRRA and council officials at Borrowdale district office.

THE Borrowdale Ratepayers and Residents Association (BRRA) has partnered with the City of Harare (CoH) in a clean-up operation to trim shrubs and cut grass at road intersections in Ward 18.

Peter Tanyanyiwa Suburban Reporter

In a statement, the BRRA urged residents in all the Ward 18 suburbs to alert them about roads needing attention so that they can be included on the clean-up programme.

BRRA will undertake the exercise in partnership with the City of Harare’s parks department. 

“The current rains have caused overgrowth of grass and shrubs around our ward. These overgrowths generally make our residential areas unsafe. They provide hideouts for criminals making muggings and other vices such as smash and grab from vehicles very possible even during daytime. Visibility for drivers is impeded at intersections as drivers fail to see approaching vehicles and pedestrians. As grass grows near the roads, pedestrians tend to walk on the roads and the likelihood of collision with vehicular traffic is high endangering lives. BRRA is appealing to residents in affected areas to inform us as the teams are ready to be dispatched,” he said.

Under normal circumstances, the municipality should provide the service using their own equipment which includes tractor drawn grass cutters but it has been several years now with the service being provided intermittently hence the residents’ body decision to assist.

“Four years ago, we purchased brush cutters and other tools and annually we work together with a team from Harare Municipality in the ward at the request of affected residents. This exercise has gone on well over the years and all we ask residents to do is provide transport for the team as well as fuel for the machines if they can. Some refreshments will motivate them as they work extensively walking long distances cutting grass and chopping shrubs using machetes. 

“We have therefore decided to assist within our capacity. We shall continue to engage our local authority wherever they are falling behind in service delivery. We have residents at heart and our goal is to cover the gaps that may compromise their welfare. Some individuals and corporates have also come on board with tractors and cutters and we hope they will continue to do so this year,” said the BRRA.